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Making A Return

A youtuber reached out to me, who goes by the name "Loscham's Great Hall", but for short "Loscham." I'm eager to reprise and rekindle my skills as this pandemic has affected us all.

In this case, I have created Loscham his banner for his Norse themed kitchen-related videos, and I was glad to know that he was happy with the designs that I made him. With any design I want to make sure that it's marketable so it can be used in the long term, and I was happy to know that this was something Loscham was also happy with.

Loscham has been an all-round pleasure to speak with and I will continue to speak with, for the foreseeable future. I'm overjoyed I was able to shake some of the dust of my computer and start making some creative designs again.

Here's a better look at the logo that I designed for Loscham. Simplicity and minimalism is always at the forefront for me, I'm so happy I can continue to do what I love.

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